Friday, September 26, 2008

Faces of Fall

We love autumn. Our neighborhood boasts some pretty impressive trees, but this always means the never ending task of raking. From mid Sept until the end of November, we could rake daily and still not keep up with the ominous task of leaf removal.

With such a volume of leaves in our yard each Fall, the kids have a blast making piles and playing creative games. Ever since they were small, they've loved to mess up the neat leaf piles I rake in my attempts to keep leaf removal under control. I used to yell at them about undoing all my hard work. In time I've been able to relax a bit and let them enjoy playing. In fact, Jeff and I often join in the leaf games.

Each autumn it became somewhat of a "tradition" to bury the kids in leaves and take a picture. Everyone has a "leaf picture". Well, I'm the only one who wouldn't lay down and cooperate while they covered me with an itchy, nasty, dusty (sometimes wet and moldy) pile of leaves, so there is no leaf photo of mom.

With cooler weather and the extraordinary color change of the leaves just around the corner, we look forward to another autumn here in STL!

When I think about the changing seasons it reminds me of Psalm 104 and the beauty of God's handiwork!
Psalm 104:24 NIV
How many are your works, O LORD!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
Psalm 104 (whole chapter)

Isaac 2007

Lucas 2001
Caleb 1999

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