Today Isaac was playing Foosball with Lucas, when his whine factor became higher than I could tolerate. I gave him the direction to go into his room for a time out and told him he could come out when he was done whining. He screamed at me, and in true five year old fashion stomped up to his room.
Two of his favorite things to scream at me are "I hate you, mommy" and "you're fat, mommy". And scream them he does! I've learned to remain calm when he does this. As long as he's not adding physical blows and is headed to his time out place, I let him alone.
Today he surprised me. During his time out, I was in the kitchen cleaning the screen door, when I suddenly felt arms come around from behind. As I turned and looked, I could see Isaac was crying and looked very sad. But I could tell that he wasn't trying to manipulate me into removing his time out. With the most humble and grown up sincerity I have ever seen in a child, he looked me in the eyes and sobbed, "I'm sorry mommy." I asked him what he was sorry for, and he continued with the same sincerity, "I'm sorry I called you fat." I hugged him, and thanked him for caring about my feelings. "I believe that you're sorry and I forgive you," I added.
I thank God for the ways He uses our kids to teach us. I was humbled by this one tiny moment and stunned by the sincerity of his apology. I attribute it to God and His Holy Spirit at work in even the youngest of us. Perhaps it's a small insignificant story for others, but I am glad that Jesus has given me eyes to see clearly, and a heart that takes things personally, loves deeply, and feels intensely.
I'm sure I'll need this memory for the next time he has a fit. :)
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