Monday, April 13, 2009

High Eggspectations

We have a family tradition of dying eggs for Easter. With practice and patience, you can get pretty creative with this process.
Each year I take the time to prepare the eggs, mix the dye, and set up the table. As SAS (short attention span) would have it, the older boys are finished within the first 5-10 minutes, and Jeff, Isaac and I usually finish the rest.

Caleb blazes through 6 eggs in under 30 seconds, while Lucas takes a bit more time (60 seconds?) to do his. Their idea of dying eggs is to fully submerge each egg in the dye cup for a millisecond. This year, while we were dying eggs, there was a knock at the front door. The boys quickly abandoned egg dying for a more appealing activity - playing baseball with the neighbors.
Our boys have little interest in art projects that involve, well, sitting still in general! Even so, I enter into every art project with high expectations that they will want to take the time to think and create. What I've come to realize with our boys is that they are most creative when they initiate the project themselves. That is, after all, what individual creativity is all about. We are more than satisfied with that.

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