Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor of Love

Jim, Jeff, Dave, Jeff G.
breaking in the Spongebob Squarepants Bounce House
at Gma's Bday Party

This past Labor Day weekend, I stayed back in St Louis to do more painting (in preparation for our near future move) while Jeff and the boys headed for IL to celebrate Gma Jo's bday. As you can see, I think he spent the Labor Day NOT laboring.

I'll admit, the man sure deserves a break, as hard as he works for our family. Along with his regular 70 mile daily commute and hours at work each day, he's now undertaking the multitude of tasks that selling a house requires. He's pulling off way more than his usual 50-hour workweek at least, and remaining the "rock" of our family (by the grace of God).

A huge thanks- to Jeff from me- for all the long, exhausting hours he has put in. And then he puts up with ME on top of it all.

Stand back girls! He's all mine...... :)

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