Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tinker Toy Drummer Boy

Isaac likes to sing.

You just never know when he will break into song. Lately he's into making up original songs with rhymes (which can get scary/amusing with a four year old, especially if he starts with a word like truck or ham or sit). :-0

He often sings while riding in the car. Long or short trip, it doesn't matter. He fills the time with songs he's learned from Guitar Hero and Rayman's Raving Rabbids2.
I personally wouldn't choose Rayman's Rabbids, but I am not the only parental figure in the house and I get trumped at times. :)
Not your typical preschooler songs, Isaac sings the choruses (yes, only a line or two which he repeats ad nauseum!) of hits like "Smoke on the Water", "Ironman", "Hit Me With Your Best Shot", "Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)" and "We are Family".
He also sings a list of ditties he learned from older cartoon favorites like Speed Racer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Superman, Batman, Hong Kong Phooey, Super Chicken, Ultraman, Gigantor, Underdog, The Tick, Scooby Doo, and Godzilla (with Godzooky from the Hanna Barbera animated series 1978).

But this day he was not in much of a singin' mood.

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